A little background info...

This school year, students at my school were offered a course titled, "Normal is Weird". In class, we discuss the abnormalities of seemingly normal habits/commonalities. In order to collect homework assignments, our teacher, Andy, had each of his students create a blog based on the course.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

HW 44 - Comments on Other People's Projects

Comments I made:
Your work focused on the question "Why do people choose to have children or not?". This was a unique subject that we did not examine in class and I thought that it was nice to hear about a new perspective of birth. Your project mattered to me because I think about the future a lot and whether or not I'll have children.

I think to further your project you could have gotten a little more "personal" and maybe interviewed your parents or something on the subject.

Great job! 

Your project involved you visiting 2 hospitals as well as interviewing Hunter students.

I had the privilege of seeing your video with audio, and there is most definitely a difference in the two experiences. I thought that your project was unique, which I enjoyed. The interviews you did were my favorite part because they are what I can relate to the most. When we started this unit I didn't have a complete grasp on pregnancy and birth, just like the people you interviewed.

I think that to improve this project, you could write a bit about your video.

Nice work!  

****Note that there was no text when I wrote the comment

The courses you described sounded amazing. I liked that your focus was on becoming a doula/being a part of birth because it relates to things we talked about in class, but hearing what your aunt had to say was a new point of view. I actually considered going through doula training for my project as well, but I didn't know how well it would turn out without the actual training (since the next available session was in May).
Your project though, came out really well and I think that the interview/your personal connection (step-mother) really added extra emotion into the project which I feel is a hard thing to do when such a stiff word (in my opinion) like "project" is being used.

I hope to hear more about your training and your perspective on your step-mother's birth experience

Comments on my Blog:  

After a sweet personal opening story you focused on some peer reactions to the practice of adoption by same-sex couples.
This topic matters to me because it feels like it touches the heart of whether GLB folks will be allowed to be full members of the community (abstract) and also because I've met some wonderful GLB parents (relational). From a different than usual angle your topic addresses one of the essential issues in our sexual politics - should gay love be treated as poisonous or as beautiful - should GLB people be considered valuable and good and healthy or sick and toxic and evil?

I would have appreciated more from you on this topic. More interviews - GLB parents work in our building and send their children to our building. GLB students attend our school and some plan to parent.

More follow-up - did Casey feel mixed or not? Did Abdul have more reasons for his stance and did those reasons seem coherent to him and to you? (BTW - be careful about labelling people on the blog - "homophobic" sounds very pejorative - although it might (or might not) be accurate it doesn't make sense to focus negative attention from the WWW on a classmate. Please edit this.)

More research - what governmental and adoption agency policies currently impede or support adoption by GLB people? What organizations and efforts currently focus on this topic and how can we help them?

Thank you for your work.

You started with a personal story and then interviewed people on their thoughts regarding same-sex adoption. I liked how you explained your earlier confusion about the subject - this made it clear why you chose to investigate this particular topic. Your research and interviews matter to me because they highlight differing opinions - someone said that the child might be affected if they didn't have a role model of gender, but your research implies that this wouldn't matter, the child would be fine. One thing you could have done was interview a same sex couple, or the adopted child of a same sex couple, to get their perspective.

I think your project has a very good base question, and I don't really think GLB couples should be treated differently from heterosexual couples when it comes to parenting and birth, besides the changes that I think should apply to everyone, such as a reduction in doctor-managed hospital births in favor of more home births.

I think a possible improvement could have been to interview more people, but other than that I think it was very good.

Do GLB even have to mention their sexual orientation when adopting? If so, do you think it should be allowed? It almost seems like a predisposition towards discrimination.

Hi Elizabeth. I liked how you started off with anecdote about your childhood friends with same sex parents, good transition in to your topic.

I find this this topic interesting because I too believe gay couples should be allowed to adopt (and get married).

One thing you could've done to improve your project would be to have done more research and used more statistics and maybe quotes from psychologists or more relevant matter than just your points of view.

All in all good work!  
This is the kind of topic that can stimulate endless conversation, both pro and con. While it’s been awhile since they were your schoolmates, it might have been interesting, time permitting, to contact Hanna and Ella and get some feedback about their lives today. It’s interesting how your current classmates could have such differing points of view, one so positive and one so negative. One of my best friends growing up has no tolerance for anything other than “conventional, normal” lifestyles and yet we continue to be good friends. As you might imagine, when we get together it makes for interesting conversation.

Sara B (10th Grader @ different school):
I liked how you opened your post with your first impression of same-sex households. This was especially relatable for me because I remember Ella and her 2 dads! Then you went on to discuss what peers think now, providing an interesting contrast to when you're younger and simply confused.

M brings up an interesting point about kids being raised by same-sex couples not having a role model from the other gender, but I guess instead comes more openess to what may be considered nontraditional. I also read once that same-sex couples tend to have a more equal distribution of doing work around the house (cooking, dishes, laundry, etc) which may or may not have an effect on the child.

Either way, I agree with your conclusion that adopted kids of same-sex couples can certainly turn out alright, if not better :)

Sarah M:
Your topic on same-sex adoption was one that I hadn't seen in anyone else's projects. Your interviews with two different points of view allowed some light to be shed on how people think. While it was a pretty small amount of interviewees, I think people can still get a sense of why because of your clarifications or inner monologue throughout the essay. I alos enjoyed the way you started off the piece. It sounded really cool and grabbed my attention quickly.

Your project description immediately engaged the reader giving me a very vivid image of your own childhood and how the project relates to your own experiences and interests. your body paragraphs review your field research with some statistical background and your own analysis of why its important. what i liked was how you were immediately able to grab my attention on a topic that normally id be a bit uneasy to talk about. i think your conclusion was done well to give the reader i way to interpret the data how she wishes and indicating a conclusion but keeping it safe because of the lack of field research. which brings me to what i think you should improve on, your summary of data was great and i think if you were to have a deeper analysis by getting more field research that would be optimal. i am ofcoarse aware that the time was too limited to have many interviews done that are meaningful. thanks for the post i enjoyed reading it.

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