A little background info...

This school year, students at my school were offered a course titled, "Normal is Weird". In class, we discuss the abnormalities of seemingly normal habits/commonalities. In order to collect homework assignments, our teacher, Andy, had each of his students create a blog based on the course.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

HW 48 - Family Perspectives on the Care of the Dead

Before this assignment, I never actually knew what my parents wanted to happen to their bodies when they die. Maybe it was for them to "protect" me from thinking about death. Both of my parents want to be cremated after death. My mom said that she thought the idea of rotting away in a box wasn't too pleasant. She'd rather have her ashes scattered in parts of Hawaii where she and my dad went for their honeymoon. My dad said that he's not too sure but he'd want them spread somewhere in the U.S. so it would be easier for me to do it. He said that "getting through customs in other countries with a box of ashes is probably a very difficult task to complete". My mom didn't really touch on previous family members' deaths, but my dad talked about his parent's remains. Both of them wanted their bodies donated for scientific study. His dad passed first, and his body got "lost", so our family never got his ashes back. With my grandmother's body, "there was a paper trail to follow, so it made the entire process easier on us".

***To be continued

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